CSU is proud to have a large number of active duty military students from all branches of service and their families as students.   We are also proud to serve our student veterans that have hung up their uniforms.  Your role on active duty or as a veteran may offer unique circumstances not faced by other students that can influence your courses or degree program.  As your academic advisor, we try to be informed, aware, and helpful on issues that may affect you.  Currently, several of our academic advisors have former military service.  We hope some of the tips below will be helpful.

Balancing mission first, family and school. Always keep your professors and academic advisor informed of circumstances that happen that will have an impact on your coursework.

Permanent change of station and temporary duty. It’s normally a good idea to avoid taking a course when movement is anticipated. Should an unexpected reassignment or temporary duty arise while actively in a course, be sure to contact your professor and academic advisor for assistance.

Course Funding Options

  • Tuition Assistance (TA)
  • Tuition Assistance (TA) and Federal Student Aid (FSA)
  • Veterans Administration (VA) Funding
  •  Veterans Administration (VA) and Financial Student Aid (FSA)
  • Out-of-Pocket

Other Military Information

  • Transfer credit
  • College-level Examination Program (CLEP)/DSST Exams
  • Associate’s Degree for Bachelor Students Program
  • Reporting of Grades
  • Retakes with Military Tuition Assistance and Veteran’s Benefits