Students who wish to drop/withdraw (see Official Course Drop/Withdrawal Policy) from a course or withdraw from their program are encouraged to complete the Official Course Drop/Withdrawal Form located in the myCSU Student Portal; however, students may withdraw in any manner by contacting the Office of the Registrar. Any refunds due will be issued within 30 calendar days. All students who drop/withdraw from a course after the drop date (7 calendar days) will be charged a one-time 20% registration fee (maximum of $200 per degree program). The remaining tuition will be refunded based on the course start date and the tuition percentage amounts listed below.

Note: Refunds may be reduced by the cost of the textbook.

Table 1 – Percent Return
Time Frame* Percentage Returned to Student
1st week 80%
2nd week 60%
3rd week 40%
4th week 20%
5th week 0%

Sample Refund Calculation: The following tables pertain to the sample refund calculation. Table 2 denotes the institutional charges. Table 3 is a sample refund calculation.

Table 2 – Institutional Charges
CSU Institutional Charge Amount
Tuition (3-Credit Undergraduate Course) $810
One-Time Registration Fee – 20% $162
Table 3 – Sample Refund Calculation
CSU Institutional Charge Eligible Refund
Tuition (3-Credit Undergraduate Course) $810
One-Time Registration Fee – 20% ($162)
Net Remaining Tuition $648
Refund Percentage 80%
Eligible Refund $648 * 80% = $518.40

Note: Refunds may be reduced by the cost of the textbook (see Textbook and Course Material Policy).


  1. Percent return equals the percentage of tuition returned to the student minus the application and/or registration fee AFTER the listed timeframes. Back to percent return
  2. Percent return is effective after the timeframe. Back to timeframe
  3. Student requests to drop course after the first week (i.e., in week 2) and after the 7-day cancellation period from the time of enrollment. Back to refund calculation