EMS Continuing Education: 4 Reasons Why It’s Important

Two EMTs load a patient into an ambulance.
Category: Industry Insights

By Matt Rowley
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Being an EMS administrator is a demanding but rewarding profession. Continuing education may seem time-consuming for busy EMS workers; however, staying updated on technology and best practices helps medical professionals make better choices when quick decisions can improve patient outcomes and save lives.

Paying attention to industry trends is helpful, but a structured and comprehensive continuing education curriculum provides EMS professionals with a more thorough understanding of best practices. In addition to the certification requirements for the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) and various states, here are four reasons why EMS continuing education is important.

1. Improved Effectiveness and Efficiency

Staying up to date with the latest medical knowledge and technology allows EMS professionals to treat their patients more effectively and efficiently. New technologies and procedures can allow technicians to save time and treat patients using methods that may not have been previously available.

Continuing education also allows EMS professionals to refresh their knowledge for recognizing and treating cases that are rarer than others. It is important for EMTs and paramedics to recognize the symptoms and know how to treat these conditions, and continuing education helps them prepare.

Related: Why Telemedicine is Growing in EMS

2. Reduced Risk

Continuing education and recertification also reduces liability risk from malpractice or wrongful death, which is an important reason employers require continuing education. Failing to keep up with education can result in misdiagnosing conditions, providing the wrong treatment, or other dangerous mistakes. Liability can fall on either the individual or the employer, depending on the circumstances.

3. Career Growth

Staying updated on medical changes and new technology can also open doors for career growth and development. Continuing education may reveal new opportunities that you may not have previously considered, and new specializations can lead to higher salaries or more rewarding positions.

Related: What Safety & Emergency Services Career Field Should You Pick? [Flowchart]

4. Improved Networking Opportunities

In-person continuing education opportunities like classes and conferences allow EMS administrators to add valuable connections to their professional network. Building relationships in the industry can:

  • Open new career paths.
  • Create opportunities for sharing knowledge.
  • Make your EMS career feel more rewarding.

Learn More About EMS Continuing Education

Going through the certification process is an effective way for EMS professionals to test and practice their knowledge and skills.

At Columbia Southern University, we’ve teamed up with EMS World and the NREMT to produce an e-book about EMS continuing education. Follow the link below to download “The EMS Provider's Guide to National Registry Recertification.”

The EMS Provider's Guide to National Registry Recertification

For more information about CSU’s online degree programs in EMS administration, visit ColumbiaSouthern.edu/EMS.